Posts filed under “Newsletter 2013”

June 2013

Would you like to know what the Chinese people eat on the 5th day of the 5th Chinese lunar calendar month which corresponds to 12.06.2013? Below you see what they eat: These are rice dumplings wrapped traditionally in bamboo leaves. They come in different shapes and with different fillings making the differences in tastes. The […]

December 2013

My childhood memories of December are connected with Dōng Zhì (冬至), the Winter Solstice which takes place every year on the shortest day of the year. This day could be 21st., 22nd. or 23rd of December. I was not aware how old this festival was. The Chinese begun this tradition in the Han Dynasty, 200 […]

November 2013

Hinduism is the religion of a majority of the Indians. About 10% of the Malaysian population originated from Southern India. Likewise the majority of them are Hindus. On 2nd November this year they will celebrate Deepavali, the festival of lights. This is a Malaysian national public holiday. Deepavali, similar to the Chinese new year, does […]

November 2013 Deutsch

Hinduismus ist die Religion der Mehrheit in Indien. Rund 10% der malayischen Bevölkerung stammen aus Südindien, ebenfalls die Mehrheit davon sind Hindus. Dieses Jahr feiern sie am 2.November Deepavali, das Lichterfest. In Malaysia ist das ein nationaler Feiertag. Ähnlich wie das Chinesische Neue Jahr findet Deepavali nicht jedes Jahr am gleichen Tag des Gregorianischen Kalenders […]

Oktober 2013

Oktober ist ein interessanter Monat: Die Chinesen feiern das Fest der “Neun Kaiser-Götter” vom 5. bis 13. Oktober (vom 1. bis 9. Tag des Mondkalenders). Und die Inder feiern “Navrati”, das Fest der neun Nächte – aber davon wird in einer späteren Ausgabe des Newsletters berichtet. Diese Zeit des Jahres ist oft schon sehr regnerisch, […]

October 2013

October is an interesting month when the Chinese celebrate the Nine Emperor Gods Festival from the 5th to the 13th of October, (the 1st day to the 9th day of the lunar calendar) while the Hindus celebrate Navratri, the Nine Nights Festival which will be dealt with in a later issue. This period it is […]

September 2013

Nenek is on vacation in until the end of September. This round picks up from the last issue on the double seven festival or the Chinese Valentine Day. You have been acquainted with the love between Niu-Lang and Chi-Nu, the later is also known as Qi-Jie (pronunciation in Putonghua), the seventh sister. Here is a […]

July-August 2013

Although July’s issue is delayed because of the very nice warm weather which entices people outdoors, here is the issue for July and August silmultaneously. The birthday and the enlightment day of the Goddess of Mercy occur in July and will not be dealt with because there is not much ado about these 2 days. […]